Lessons are $20.00 for 30 minutes, $30.00 for 45 minutes, $40.00 for 1 hour.
Financial Responsibility
Lessons can be paid in only one of two ways:
- On a week to week basis and must be paid at the end of each lesson.
- On a monthly basis and will be collected on the first of each month.
Checks are to be made out to RSSax & Brass or cash. No credit cards are accepted at this time.
Absences are excused for illness and vacation. Other Absences are to be made up, at my discretion, depending on the day and time. It may mean two lessons will be scheduled during another week. Please contact me in advance, (24 hour notice) if you need to reschedule or cannot attend a lesson. If a make-up lesson is not schedule or is not attended, the charge for the lesson remains. Students are expected to attend all lessons, if at all possible,; that is a special time for them. Any lesson that I need to cancel will definitely be rescheduled or credited to your account.
Lesson Etiquette
- Please be prompt with required materials to each lesson (Instrument, reeds, mouthpieces and books)
- Please do not bring gum, candy, or food. Water bottles are acceptable
- No cell phones during lessons.