The only things that looms larger than Rick Smith’s musical talent and diversity, (the guy plays about every instrument!), is the kindness that he imparts on everyone he meets. Rick’s musical adventure began with the piano while in the 4th grade. His first horn, of all instruments, was the saxophone. From there, he began to pick up and play about anything that got in his way. Rick majored in music, (surprise!), and has played in numerous bands as well as being a rock of a fixture in the Praise Band at his church. Rick was influenced early in life by the likes of Bud Shank followed by David Sanborn, and most recently Sam Levine. In addition to playing like a banshee, Rick has taught private lessons on the Sax, Flute and Clarinet since 1998 – and over the last several years, Trumpet, Trombone, and Baritone. Oh, and if you have a broken horn, he can fix that too as his job is, you guessed it, instrument repair!